Anthony Weiner will not resign after all—at least according to a statement the democrat made after admitting he sent racy photos to a number of women, including 26-year-old Meagan Broussard via Twitter. The multi-term representative first found himself in an awkward position about a week ago when a photo was sent from his Twitter account to a young woman in Seattle. The photo, which helped dub the kerfuffle “weinergate,” showed a man in his underwear, with a bulge in the crotch area. At first he played the “hacker” card that many celebs pull, claiming that an unknown individual targeted his account and sent an unapproved tweet. The strange twist came when he would not deny that the photo was of himself. This left many people wondering where a hacker would have gotten a picture of the Congressman in his underwear in the first place. Suddenly today, he held a press conference whereby he admitted that the entire debacle was no accident: “The picture was of me and I sent it…” He said the picture was sent jokingly, but that it wasn’t the first “inappropriate conversation” he has had over the Internet. In fact, he says that over the last three [...]
Auguste Rodin
Wedding Videotaping
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